of Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Russia, Irkutsk)
International Economy Department lecturer
Oglobina Svetlana
on the visit to Higher School of Social Science (France)
TACIS Tempus project CD_JEP 23209 – 2002
April, 21 – May, 4 2004
The main object of our visit to Higher School of Social Science was
to establish contacts with the lecturers and to collect the necessary
information for MSc-curriculum development in International Marketing.
We were invited for some very interesting meetings:
- with Jasque Sapir, Head
- with Lecturers
- with PhD students.
Several important problems concerning the course were discussed during
the meetings: methods of delivering lectures, kinds of written papers,
supporting materi-als for the classes, students’ knowledge evaluation
system etc.
Besides that we spent a lot of time in the library looking through
the books and e-sources in order to develop the curriculum.
In consequence the project of curriculum in International Marketing
was created. The curriculum will include the following subjects:
1. Introduction to International marketing
- International marketing conceptualization
- Beginning of internationalizing
- Theories of Business internationalizing
- Competitiveness on world product markets
2. Overseas markets selection
- International marketing environment
- Research in International marketing
- Information system of International marketing
- Selection process of overseas markets
3. International marketing strategies
- Export strategies
- Intermediate strategies
- Hierarchical strategies
- Global e-commerce
4. Development of International marketing program
- Price setting and policies in the foreign markets
- Logistics and Distribution policy in International marketing
- Communication policy in International marketing
- Organizing of International marketing complex
5 Management of International marketing
- Choosing foreign business partner. Negotiations
- International marketing management
- Planning and control of International marketing program
Besides that there were some interesting meetings with peoples from
other uni-versities:
- with Veronique Jobert, Head of International Relations Office, Sorbonne
– Paris 4
- with Eric Lahille, Lecturer, Superior Institute of Technology and
- with Derek Mainwaring, Head of International Relations Office, Institut
Su-perieur de Technologie et Management
- with Helen Clement-Pitiot, Head of International Relations Office,
Cergy-Pontoise Univesity
May, 8, 2004.