CD_JEP-23209 / 2002
A.1. The action: Curriculum Development for MSc & MBA Study in
Russian Universities
A.2. Beneficiary's name and address: Abo Akademi University, Lars
Hassel, Head of Department of Business Administration, Henriksgatan
7, FIN-20500, Turku, Finland
A.3. Maximum grant amount: 497 000 Euro
A.4. Total of approved budget: 497 000 Euro
A.5. Eligibility period : (1/9/2003-31/8/2006)
European Commission
Directorate-General Education and Culture
Directorate A – Unit 5
B-1049 Bruxelles
The Project content is focused on the solution of the Problem, related
to the Integration of Russian Higher Education into the European Union.
Realizing the importance of adopting a multilevel system of education
and training specialists and teachers of a new generation with a high
degree of proficiency in speciality, and methodology with the knowledge
of a foreign language and computer skills encouraged following universities
came to the decision to design a project for MSc/MBA curriculum development
which enables to increase the quality of education.
These universities work actively within the program identical to European
ones with a view to national peculiarities and Russian Education standards.
Russian partner universities open up MSc/MBA study – consortium providing
training of MSc/MBA students majoring øò “International Business”.
Goal and objectives of the project coincide with the development strategy
of the project members and their target faculties. Due to orientation
of the region at industrial, resource management and development of
international economic relations with European countries, there is
a strong need in highly qualified specialitsts in the spheres of management,
economic finance and international business. Training of specialists
with such qualification is possible only through constant development
and advancement of educational curricula, programs and courses according
to international standards, European, in particular, using new progressive
teaching methods and techniques. There is a great interest in retraining
and increasing the qualification of University teaching staff and
training of teachers of the new generation via MSc/MBA study creation
and development. Creation and development of multi-level Russian Education
corresponding to the European Standards facilitate the integration
into the European Educational Arena. Nowadays the development of MSc/MBA
Curriculum is more efficient considering that only two Universities
of four have slightly approbated Master degree programs. According
to traditional Russian Educational System the other 2 Universities
train only specialists with the diploma (5 years).
The realization of Project goals will be of great interest of all
Project partners.