of Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Russia, Irkutsk)
International Economy Department lecturer
Chepinoga Oksana
on the visit to Luton University (Great Britain)
TACIS Tempus project CD_JEP 23209 – 2002
17-31 of March 2004
The main object of our visit to Luton University
was to establish contacts with the lecturers and to collect the necessary
information for MSc-curriculum development in European Business Law.
We were invited for some very interesting meetings:
-with Max Young, Head of Department of Law, Finance and Accounting;
Lawyer; Lecturer in Contract Law;
-with David Meltzer, Lecturer in EU Law;
-with John Lodge, Senior lecturer in Law.
Several important problems concerning the course were discussed during
the meetings: methods of delivering lectures, kinds of written papers,
supporting materials for the classes, students’ knowledge evaluation
system etc.
Besides that we spent a lot of time in the library looking through
the books and e-sources in order to develop the curriculum.
In consequence the project of curriculum in European Business Law
was created. The curriculum will include the following subjects:
1. Basis of the European Union and European Business Law.
2. EU Institutions.
3. Differentiation of competence spheres between EU Institutions and
the national governmental authorities.
4. Common market.
5. Customs union and customs law of EU.
6. Economy and currency union.
7. Company Law.
8. Competition Law.
9. International commercial acts.
10. European Taxation.
11. Banking.
12. International transportation law.
13. EU-Russia economic relations.
Besides that there were some interesting meetings
with peoples from different departments of Luton University:
-with Paul Burns, Dean of Luton Business School. The problems of undergraduate
and postgraduate education were discussed during the meeting;
-with Richard Harris, Dean of Quality Assurance. He explained to us
in details the procedure of new curriculums creating and approving;
-with Sandra Malone, Director of Marketing. We were informed of University
marketing activities aiming at attracting students;
-with Sue Bathmaker, E-learning MBA Programme manager and Tempus Project
Academic Coordinator;
-with Tricia Smart, Lecturer. We were present at the Intercultural
training – some kind of a role play;
-with Rob Carman, Head of Post Graduate Provision and Principal Lecturer
in Management Accounting. We got acquainted with different kinds of
post-graduates programs of Luton University.